herbal therapies * natural health education

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Have you heard the term "the eyes are the window to the soul"? This may very well be true. Iridology, the study of the irises, teaches that the eyes are also the windows to the body. By studying the markings in the iris, we can learn a little about what might be going on inside using the fiber structure, color, and pigment patterns as our guide.

Iridology is not a medical exam or a definitive diagnosis of disease, but it can reveal:

  • Inherent weaknesses
  • Inflammation
  • Potential toxin deposits
  • Overall level of health   

Iridology is a practice that can be used in conjunction with other health assessment tools, providing information that can be useful in our overall health assessment.

Suzy is an IIPA Certified Iridologist. Contact her for an apponitment today!






Herbal Therapy

Flower Essences


Nutrition Counseling
