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Flower Essences

Flower essences are created using blossoms of flowers, trees, and shrubs. There are even essences created from gems and rocks! They are referred to as "vibrational remedies" and are used primarily to address the emotional imbalances we all experience - either from short-term issues we're having or long-standing hurts we've carried with us. Their effects can be both subtle and profound.

As with homeopathic remedies, flower essences work on an energetic level, affecting us mentally, emotionally, and, in many subtle ways, physically. Largely, they are brilliant at helping us to re-balance our emotional states, believed to be a major causative factor in many illnesses.

It should be noted that flower essences are not drugs and will not alter moods by altering brain chemistry. Authors Patricia Kaminsky and Richard Katz (in their book Flower Essence Repertory: A Comprehensive Guide to North American and English Flower Essences for Emotional and Spiritual Well-Being) state, "Flower essences are catalysts which stimulate and energize the inner transformative process, while leaving us free to develop our own innate capacities. They are used best within a context of inner development, through self-observation, dialogue, and counseling. For flower essences help us to learn the lessons of any ailment, to meet the challenges presented to our souls by emotional and physical pain and suffering, and thus to transform our lives."

Take the quiz and find your remedy. Suzy can also help you decide which essences might best help you achieve emotional balance, and counsel you on their best use.







Herbal Therapy

Flower Essences


Nutrition Counseling
